03 July 2011

Playhouse Part II

After a few more weeks of work the playhouse is ready for kids.  It is painted to match the house; the fascia and siding are the same paint.  The light brown color is the house soffit color and the dark brown matches the exterior of the house windows and doors.

The swingset, pullup bar, and fireman's pole are schedule 40 galvanized pipe, which I found wholesale in town in 21 foot lengths (2" inside diameter for swingset).  For the swingset I used a commercial fitting (green piece on the end) to connect them, plus a floor flange on the other side.  One more swing coming.  The ends are sunk into concrete which has rebar drilled into the underlying stone, like the playhouse itself.

I found some great rock climbing holds online that included the T bracket, 30 for $30.  The back wall has 1" plywood under the Hardie board so it is plenty sturdy.  The pull-up bar is 1" inside diameter pipe.

The inside black areas are primed, sanded plywood with chalkboard paint applied.

The fireman's pole is also 1" inside diameter pipe.  I spent a lot of time looking at the BarbaraButler.com website for ideas.  One thing they do is leave 1/2" around closing doors so that if the door slams on little fingers there is no injury.  I installed my doors with the same type of spacing around them and spring loaded hinges to keep them shut.

Upstairs there is a bench across one wall and a moveable work bench for building projects.

To access the upstairs, rather than putting in a tall ladder I put a platform a few feet below the scuttle hole.  That way if anyone falls through the hole it will not be a long drop.

A few more small touches to add but overall it is ready for the kids.